Online Market for Endless Love Creative


Endless Love Creative Winter Makers Market poster

The Capalog is taking part in another online market this weekend!

Check out for more info and an abundant list of 70 designer makers taking part. Every single maker is an independent creative business and this one is a little special!

As makers we really miss the buzz of a market and most of us work from home on our own, but as prep for the market we've been talking a lot behind the scenes and it's brought a whole lot of creative introverts together. Which has really made my little soul feel a bit more apart of the world in this super strange year.

Not to mention the colour that sooo many folks have shared in their work. I'm genuinely excited about this one! So if you are looking for christmas present ideas then have a peruse this weekend.

Char the organiser is going all out talking on instagram about it, we've all been taking part in an instagram challenge under #elcmakerchallenge all week also, so there's a lot of images to browse to get an idea of what to expect.

The process of a cap being made

Follow @endlesslovecreative for more and check back here and my instagram @thecapalog for more.

As for what you expect from caps, a new release is coming this weekend in celebration also!

Stay tuned for more info on the new style/cap release!

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