Got a fave old cap that needs a bit of love or that you lost and left on a train once? Get in touch!
Caps can be patterned from old photographs, or copied from an existing cap if you just want a new one making. This is how we work when making something to commission as a theatrical milliner, from photos and references, so it is totally possible.
Would love to return your fave cap shape to you! Definitely understand how much we love old favourites and caps become something treasured.
This can be from any fabric, not just the ones used for the caps in the capalog. If it's not using fabric in stock, then fabric can be sourced for your cap, whether it is wool, corduroy or total 80s tiger printed synthetic fur (genuine previous customer!)
I've also made old fave caps from blurry photos and odd angles, so don't be scared to reach out if this is something you would like to source.
Just drop an email with more info to:
Prices for custom caps start at £75.
BELOW: Patterning for two kepi caps for a beer advert circa 2016. A lot of these commissions require discretion, so I wasn't officially told who these were for (and you never ask!). But the costume designer went to Paris to measure Eric's head and well she sent me costume designs with his face on.. and then I saw it on the tele. Surrealllll. Still crops up now and again.
Kepi caps are lovely shapes to make, and the eyelet detail and matching leather piece and buckle detail were very satisfying to make. The caps crowns were also made from blue wool offcuts, from the fabric used to make the jacket that he wore, and finished with a blue cotton lining. I'm still geekily fascinated by the shape of Kepi's. Kepi's use a long strip to go around the crown, but it is cut on the bias and the seam is at the front of the crown and is higher at the front, than at the back of the crown.