

At events you can buy a basic cap or panel cap or get your head measured. The trapper caps, cloche caps and fisher caps are available to try and order. There is also usually a selection of earrings and waste not want not products to buy, made from the cap offcuts. There are also special market only discounts to be had too.

Markets are tricky to plan as a slow fashion business, I try to create as little textile waste as possible as a biz, whilst creating a balance between having enough caps for folk to buy & bringing enough samples for you to figure out which size you are. It is also nigh on impossible to know who is going to turn up and what head-size they are going to be! Markets are just unpredictable, to an extent anyway! So the system of what caps are brought, is based on feedback and what has happened at previous markets.

The Capalog makers market stall at endless love creative The capalog makers market stall at crafty fox market

Size wise, so you know what to expect, I normally bring the basic caps in SM, M, M/L, LG & XL. Same for the panel caps. That also includes more than one colour option in all those sizes. Recently there have been requests for XXL & 3XL too, so I've added those to sizes to the regulars.

To balance running as a slow fashion biz and minimising textile waste, I also now offer an event only discount if you can't find your size at the market and need to order one to be made up afterwards.

You can also send me a dm on instagram to request a certain style & size to try on.

Upcoming Markets/Open studios and where to find The Capalog out in the wild & when you can try caps on:




SAT APRIL 12TH: THE CROSSING, GRANARY SQUARE, LONDON, N1C / / 11am-5pm / @craftyfoxmarket

The Capalog will be @craftyfoxmarket on SATURDAY the 12th April. This one is a two day market and you will normally find me there on a sunday, but this time I am part of the saturday gang. This market is 5min walk from Kings Cross, right in the middle of Granary Sq, next to Coal Drops Yard and Canopy market, right next to the canal. So much here for a day out!

You can already find a list and photos for all the traders taking part on their website, either click the photo below to head straight to their insta or the website here:


SUN APRIL 13TH: THE BOILER SHOP, 20 SOUTH ST, NEWCASTLE, NE1 3PE /  / 10am-4pm / @made.upnorth

Back at The Boiler Shop, in Newcastle city centre with the beaut Made Up North folk. Watch this space for more info or check their instagram for trader info.


If there is a city you would love the capalog to visit please drop a dm or comment on a market post on instagram. It's always helpful to know anywhere that might have been missed or where the capalog should stop next.

Come back soon for more details or follow along on instagram for updates where I also share market details.