Super Seconds Festival is next week! FYI.
What does that mean? It means SALE caps. The festival is an online sale for indie designer makers and it run by Sophie of Ink & Bear. Essentially there is a website and instagram, which is like the hub for all 250 of us taking part & then we all have our own online sale shops running for the weekend of the 1st & 2nd April, from 10am on the 1st April 2023.
The sale also continues until the 9th April for those that chose to, not everyone did chose to, so don't count on your faves doing so - the capalog will be one of those that is open til the 9th though. While stocks last obvs.
For the capalog, all the sale caps and items will be found on this website, on the super seconds festival page. Click below on the day! Or open it in a browser tab and leave it open for the day. You will also be able to find the sale page on the homepage and in the drop down menu.
Super Seconds Festival Page Caps
As for caps that will be available, there are some limited edition fabrics that have been discontinued in the past, such as Brick, Orange and Mustard Denim. There's essentially not enough stock left of any of these to offer all cap sizes, but some sample caps remain.. or were half started before I discontiued them etc.
A couple of the permanent collection cap such as Walnut and Spinach Basic 4 Panel caps are going to be discontinued shortly, so they will be included at a discontinued price, with a limited amount available to order.
Then lastly, some market sample stock will also be included! As a slow fashion biz, conscious of limiting textile waste, I make samples for all the makers markets, so customers can figure out their size and if you as the customer like styles, but that is a cap that doesn't have a home. Also these caps use fabric that was bought and sewn and I don't want to be a part of the textile waste problem, far from it!
All caps that will be included in the super seconds festival, will be available while stocks last for the weekend of the festival and until the 9th April when the sale ends.
Having taken part last november as well, most of the popular caps went within the first couple of hours on the saturday, so don't forget to set your alarm for it!